Applied Body Mechanics supports coaches and crews in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, and Germany.
Official Crews (more coming soon.)
A collection of unique and independent people that are focused on results-driven training.
ABMVT INTL is about growing and supporting ving tsun groups around the world. Through enabling skilled coaches and training methods, our crews develop individuals who relate to traditional martial arts, but, want to push the boundaries in an effort to continually get better in a modern way. The international crews are directly supported by Ernie Barrios.
Along with private and group training, our international coaches host training camps throughout the year to support students and a chance to train with other crews. All students and crews are encouraged to visit the ABMVT LA headquarters for training camps and skills development. For questions about training in your area, see the crew information below.
Crew Services

Group Training

Group training sessions are available by some of our crews in the U.K., Canada, France, and South America.

Private Training

All ABMVT coaches provide private training for individuals wanting to learn Ving Tsun.

Open Door Policy

All members of an ABMVT crew are welcome to train at the LA headquarters.

The Crews (more coming soon.)